Message Number: YG13007 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Betty
Date: 2002-05-09 10:50:00 UTC
Subject: Squeeze Bottle/Knowing their Names

Sukie mentioned yesterday about using a squeeze bottle to feed stubborn
ferrets and I have to agree. They are a life saver when compared to
syringes that stick, or the rubber end staying inside while the syringe
plunger is out! I keep quite a selection of these bottles around my home
and at times, prepare a mix and freeze some mix in them for easy
dispensing later. Be careful about microwaving as too quick means a
burst in the container. I find if you place a frozen bottle in a
container of water before microwaving helps protect the bottle from

I don't have any ferrets who like non-chicken type meats. Canned A/D is
the limit and even then I have to mix it with the chicken with broth
baby food. Ferrets can be so picky at times! But I love them all the

With the exception of the deaf ferrets, I know most of mine know their
names. The trick is to use the names often, especially when they are
alone with you and you are giving out treats!

betty and her blur o'fur
for the love of ferrets