Message Number: YG13177 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-05-20 03:34:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Re: ADV test kit

The only ADV test that I can recommend is United Vaccine's CEP test. It has
been independently proven to be accurate - and just as important the
manufacturer of the test stands behind the product and is informative,
available and friendly. I've talked extensively with Shannon at UV and she is
always there to answer any questions - and has phoned me within 3 days of
sending in my tests with the results.

On the other hand, Dr. Stephon has not. He was one of the most vocal ADV
persons in the community until the trouble with his POCT and ELISA tests
popped up. I have verified with some of the shelters that ran into the false
positives (Kristine Lunny at Friends of Fuzzies, Neen in Frontier ferrets).
They tested each ferret twice with Avecon and got different results each
time. They finally pulled blood and did simultaneous tests with Avecon and
United - it took over 3 weeks to get the test results back from Avecon and
they showed 3 positives. United showed no positives.

Why people are so upset with Dr. Stephon and Avecon is that he vanished - he
is not returning phone calls, he is not available for questions, canceling
appearances and he has never answered what happened with the results. Bad batches happen [Tiny part of text that became a touch inflammatory removed -- SDC]. My money will go to the company that has always supported the ferrets and our community: United Vaccine.

Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"