Date: 2002-05-26 05:23:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Lying Flat
Ah, the ol' "flat ferret" routine! Very common in ferrets. Some
attribute it to illness, and I suppose it can be if they do it a lot,
or it is something they've never done before and begin doing it
frequently, but generally speaking it means nothing other than
they're bored, or taking a small break from playing.
At 8 months of age, I'd say you have a normal ferret there just doing
what ferrets do.
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "heidigr1" <heidi@i...> wrote:
> is my first ferret, so I'm not quite sure what all her body
language means yet!
> Occasionally I will come into a room and find her lying flat, like
a pancake.