Message Number: YG13291 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Julie Cameron
Date: 2002-05-26 10:02:00 UTC
Subject: Insulinoma cure?


I have noticed lately there has been mention of insulinoma being cured by
surgery in up to 60% of cases. Is this really true? I thought it was only a
means of avoiding the inevitable for a bit longer. In my own meager
experience (have had ferrets since the early 80's). I have had about 6
pancreatic surgeries on various ferrets, and not one was even able to be off
of pred after the surgery, little lone been cured. I'm not saying surgery
isn't worth it, as in some cases we were better able to manager their
glucose and keep them at a lower dose of pred for longer time periods. Just
wondering, Am I just terribly unlucky, need better vets? Any body out there
really have a ferret cured by surgery?


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