Message Number: YG13315 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2002-05-27 16:29:00 UTC
Subject: Re: insulinoma pancreus failure/liver cancer? help. (more)

I was just thinking and it belatedly hit me that we had a ferret who
was thought to have liver and pancreatic disease a year and a
half to two years ago. What he actually had was a blockage and
the result was that his pancreas and liver became badly
inflamed. The removal of the blockage handled that and he is
under treatment for IBD. It certainly is possible to have a
problem in one of those organs inflame or infect others in
mammals. When my father's gall bladder gave out in an acute
fashion he had pancreatitis and hepatitis as a result and almost
died of them.

also appears to have some liver articles, so even thoughI didn't
see anything in my skim that seemed to fit your note, it would
make sense to look there.