Message Number: YG13375 | New FHL Archives Search
From: star_1977_cl
Date: 2002-05-30 14:42:00 UTC
Subject: Re: what are people feeding ferts around the world?


Finally a post that I can answer!!! I've learned so much in this list
and I'm happy to contribute now.

I live in Chile, South America and around here ferrets are starting
to be very popular. Because of the cost (a ferret in a pet store can
cost from 200 to 300 dollars and there only one breeder here who has
a few ferrets a year) there are, we believe, around 200 ferrets in
the country. This situation has good and bad things. The good things,
for example, is that ADV has never been diagnosed here; the bad
things are the leck of ferret products. Most important, we don't have
an approved Distemper Vaccine. And of course this also means that all
of us have to feed our ferrets with kitten food.

I'm in a ferret Club here and most of all feed our ferrets with
premium kitten food. Personally, I buy Eukanuba kitten chicken &
rice. I used to give my ferret Ringo Iams kitten but I changed to
eukanuba a few months ago. The people I know give their ferrets Iams,
Hills, Eukanuba. I've seen a couple of ferret foods here but, based
on what I've read on the internet there are not premium foods (I can
be wrong). I think one is "SunSeed" and the other one, I think
is "Hart". So, I'm sticking to Eukanuba.

So, we try to educate people, we always recomend premium kitten food.
Once a person who knew absolutely nothing about ferrets was feeding
the poor thing Dog food!!! Because ferrets are rather new here, I
can't tell you how long they live. Most ferrets I know are around 2
or three years. We'll have to see in the future.

for what I've seen, our ferrets are healthy. There are no cases of
ECE that I know. Maybe is because they came from different breeders
and countries. There are many from europe, some from Marshall and
some born here. It's going to be interesting to see the evolution of
our ferrets as time goes by.

I hope this helps a little.

Sole & Ringo