Ferret Wise Shelter
Date: 2002-06-04 19:12:00 UTC
Subject: re: Please help with advice and personal
you wrote:
Please ANY "I woulds..." would be helpful.
I am NOT a vet but an experienced shelterer on the east coast-- your
boy is dribbling , a condition which occurs in male ferrets with
ADRENAL DISEASE. The balding is also due to a hyper active adrenal.
Surgery is the most curative means to your boys condition. It is
possible the prostate swelling and putting presssure on the urethra
(causing limited urine flow) this condition can have also caused a
UTI ( urinary tract infection) you need to :
1) have the urine checked for infection- and if detected get him on
antibiotics ASAP
2) have the affected adrenal gland removed.
In the case of an affected right adrenal lupron therapy instead of
surgery may be the most successful with the least risks.
I hope this helps
Alicia at Ferret Wise