Message Number: YG13566 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-06-04 15:44:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Yoda

With a difficult blood draw, and minimal changes in the blood
values, I would hesitate to interpret them as being definitely
diagnostic of anything, especially of liver disease, which tends to
be uncommon in the ferret. Doesn't mean it couldn't be, but I
wouldn't jump right into saying that's what it is. I think
repeating the bloodwork, especially if you can get a clean draw, is
a good next step, as is an ultrasound. As for which vet you should
have do the ultrasound, go with the one you feel most comfortable
with. Certainly urinary problems in a male ferret are a pointer
toward adrenal disease, but other things, such as bladder stones,
prostate disease unrelated to adrenal disease (infection, etc),
tumors in the urinary tract, or just a urinary tract infection can
cause a ferret to have urinary problems. Has a urinalysis been

Dr. Ruth
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