Message Number: YG13661 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Judi Duvall
Date: 2002-06-08 03:43:00 UTC
Subject: RE: Ant Killer and ferrets

I use a line of ground cinnamon across all thresholds into the house and a
cinnamon-baking soda combination in the kitchen as deterants to ants for
years and they work well, even against carpenter ants. With pets and small
children around, I always tried to work with non-poisonous solutions in the
house. You other option might be an ant glue trap set where the ferts can't



> We want to treat the ants in the house but don't
want to put our ferrets in danger can anyone tell me if there is a
product we can use in our house that won't harm the ferrets. Or is
our only choice to board the ferrets and have the house sprayed
any advice would be helpful we are out of ideas