Message Number: YG13936 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-06-18 05:09:00 UTC
Subject: Earthworms and Meal worms - Girls just wanna have fun

I am thinking about a new treat besides crickets for my
ferrets. I had several nice people take the time to write me that
earthworms, when washed, should be okay. I had one letter that told
me they had to be careful and not give one of the types of animals
they had earthworms because they can carry bacteria? Does anyone
know anything about that? Also someone thought of meal worms that
are nearly sterile with how they are farm raised for tiny reptiles,
and even for chickens as treats. Would they be safe? I do worry
about the rare case of if you give one to a hatchling lizard, they
can live long enough to eat/do damage to the gi track (eat them from
the inside actually) before dying inside them causing certain death.
OH, this girl just wants to have fun. My Dippy loves chasing
crickets, I just want to give her more fun treats like that. :)


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