Message Number: YG13942 | New FHL Archives Search
From: moorgannandorf
Date: 2002-06-18 10:47:00 UTC
Subject: Some improvement

I did not give Tigger any Diazoxide last night, and overnight I did
not notice her drinking or eating anything. When I picked her up this
morning, she was somewhat alert, but again looked a little
disoriented. I took her water dish and put some in my hand, and she
drank water out of the palm of my hand. I did this for the whole
bowl. The water bowl is small, about 65 ml of water, but she drank it
all from the palm of my hand. This ferret is very smart - I tried to
just put my finger in the bowl so I did not have to keep wetting my
fingers, but she just looked at me like "I am not falling for THAT

She also ate another 1/2 jar of baby food on her own while I was
talking to the doctor. He took her off the diazoxide for 24 hrs, and
then to start her back up on the dose at 1/2 its prescription (0.1
instead of 0.2) He also said if her stomach looks like it is hurting,
1/2 teaspoon of pepto bismal wouldn't hurt either.