Message Number: YG13988 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Trish Black
Date: 2002-06-19 16:40:00 UTC
Subject: Merry's surgery update

Thank you to all for the reassurance that Merry will be ok. I've
been in need of lots hand holding through this. We've been ferret
owners for less than 2 years and this is our first major issue.
Merry is a 2 yr. old Path Valley female, very dark sable. They
found an irregular tissue mass attached to her intestine. X-rays &
needle aspirate really didn't tell us what it was, only what it
wasn't so the vet wanted to remove it and then do a biopsy. The
surgery went well and it's up to her intestinal tissue to hold
Merry had the surgery on Mon. 6/17 and the vet told us they would be
releasing her today. We are going to have to give her antibiotics
and the vet said the oral kind taste really bad and we might have to
give her a shot instead (yikes!). The vet said to feed her canned
food for awhile. I don't think she'll like it. Maybe I'll try baby
food if that doesn't work or a make some kind of duck soup. I have
a few recipes from the FML. They have been syringe feeding her but
she'll drink water on her own. I'm really glad they kept her and
monitored her to give her 2 days to heal before we moved her.
As I'm typing this, my boyfriend just called and said when he got to
the office they told him that Merry can't go home (didn't you get
out message?) I'm not sure when they tried to call but at 12:30
they said she could go home and at 2:00 PM when he got there they
said that they were keeping her. The vet that performed the surgery
wasn't there and Anthony spoke with a different vet who said Merry's
incision was inflamed and when the infammation went down, a small
gap in the stitiching was showing (hernia?). They want to monitor
her for one more day and may have to open her up and re-stitch. I
am glad that they are paying so much attention to these details
because I know these first few days after the surgery are crucial
and we are glad she is in good hands. Still praying to get a
princess back safe & sounds.
Trish ~ Merry, Pippin & Zira

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