Message Number: YG14012 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Angela Espinet
Date: 2002-06-19 21:31:00 UTC
Subject: Re: spenomegaly options?

Hello Katherine,
Have you run a blood test to see if the ferret's
white count is high, indicative of an infection, if so
then antibiotics could help!
One of my ferrets is undergoing a course of
antibiotics for the same reason as his white count was
high and yet nothing else seemed to be wrong! The vet
suggested possibly 'helicobactor' could be the cause!
I have not returned for a second blood test yet to
determine if the antibiotics have helped!
It might be a less stressful at this point to go
that route, before you decide to remove the spleen,
since there could be an underlying reason!---Angela.

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