Message Number: YG14013 | New FHL Archives Search
From: tansy
Date: 2002-06-19 22:34:00 UTC
Subject: Re:Best Kind of Litter

I use All Pet Pine which I absolutely love. It is
great on odor control (important when you have 25
ferrets in an apartment!), easy on the feet because it
is in small pieces, and economical because you only
have to use about an inch in the bottom of the
litterbox. It is actually flushable too, for normal
sized households! And does not have the volatile oil
problems that cedar has, or the dust that clay has.
Never use clumping litter. The dust can cause
bronchial problems, and I've seen infections in the
vulvas from it sticking. Nasty stuff.

Feline Pine (same people) is easier to find, and is
now in most supermarkets, and I use it in a pinch, but
I much prefer the size of the All Pet. Easier on the
tootsies. I used to use stove pellets which are
definitly cheaper, but I don't think more economical
because you need more, they don't control the odor as
well and are definitly harder on the guys feet and my

My friend who runs a shelter with a 100+ furballs in
her home would give up eating first...and if that
isn't a recommendation, I don't know what is! <vbg>

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