Message Number: YG14029 | New FHL Archives Search
From: dr_bruce_williams
Date: 2002-06-20 13:29:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Boo has a ???

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., CowsMooToo@a... wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> My Boo has a large mass in his abdomen that we discovered last
night. He
> doesn't seem to be in any distress and he is not having problems
> drinking or going potty.
> What are some of the issues we are looking at as possible reasons
for it to
> grow apparently as fast as it did in such a short period of time?
> We are making arrangements to get him to the vet tomorrow, if
surgery is
> necessary, what should our vet use to put him under with?
> How does one ask the Vets to take pictures of what is removed
before sending
> it off for a path report?

Dear Mare:

Always a good idea to check these out - I wonder if you may be seeing
a very enlarged spleen, although there really isn't much to go on

Without knowing much more about the mass in the abdomen, it is very
difficult to say what it is or how it got there - it could be a
radily growing adrenal tumor, or a number of other tumors.

With regard to asking the vet to take a picture, just ask if they
have that capability - you're not stepping on anyone's toes...

with kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM