Date: 2002-06-20 20:50:00 UTC
Subject: food
I have been feeding my ferret Purina One kitten food since I got him 10
months ago. Is this what he needs? He didn't seem to care much for the
green ferret pellets I bought when I got him. He seems healthy and, except
for my recent problem with fleas, he seems very healty. He is playful and
energetic, his coat is rough, but it was like that when I got him. He won't
touch ferretone, but enjoys cat hairball remedy. He also seems to like fish
flavor ferevite. He won't eat anything except his food. (is that kibble?)
Also, this probably sounds dumb, but he's my first ferret. What do you mean
by "cuddle"? Kiki won't sit in my lap or accept being "petted" like a cat
or dog would. Am I doing something wrong, or do some ferrets dislike that
kind of thing? I thought I did enough research before I committed to making
my home into a ferret home. It took me several months of research to decide
to bring him home with me. Now I find that I was still woefully unprepared.
I adore my baby, wouldn't give him up for the world, but all I'm hearing is
that they get sick when they get old. Do they all get sick as they age?
Does anyone know a good ferret doctor in Pensacola, Florida? Oh, is anyone
else allergic to ferrets? It turns out I am, so I have to take Alegra to
keep from scratching my skin off! Any ideas on this? Ok, that's enough
silly newbie questions for now. Thanks again for all the help with the