Message Number: YG14070 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Daniela Schurig
Date: 2002-06-21 08:46:00 UTC
Subject: tape disk incident

Hello all,

I need urgently assistance.

Our Frettchenmaedchen (3 years) has a tape disk incident and can for the moment not run.

Our veterinary surgeon gave her Cortison and a pain means. He said also, the healing chances with 70:30. Since she had problems with the tape disk in March already once, means my veterinary surgeon, which would be it an assessment. Does it give with frettchen?

What can I do, over to help my girl? Should I feed somewhat certain or let can I her somewhat swim, so that she becomes not completely rigid?

I am grateful for each information. Please my bad Englsich excuses.

greetings from Germany


[moderator's note: maybe this is a slipped disk?]

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