Message Number: YG14190 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-06-25 18:37:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Bob C: Some Thoughts to Ponder

Bob your post was very interesting. I can only speculate from past
experience that my ferret lived on eukanuba kitten food, drank whole
milk with no problem, was given linatone for dogs her whole life, I
used clay kitty litter, and did not have any (not one) medical
problem in her life until she was 9 1/2 and I helped her to the
bridge at about 10 years. Something is definately wrong. I had
actually done everything wrong that you are suppose to do for a
ferret. Will my three live as long since I now, in order to give
them the best, feed totally ferret eukanuba kitten and cat plus
Marshalls, I dont know.

My ferret was given an annual distemper for 10 years and never had a
reaction that was in 1986 they could not have had a ferret vaccine
then, I would like to know what they did use. Now I am afraid to
go to the vet since one of my 3 was very sick from his shot. Your
article has my brain in thought. Thanks Chrissy, Pupper, AJ,