Message Number: YG14220 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2002-06-26 09:53:00 UTC
Subject: RE: Rabies Shot

>Bubba has one shot to go in the series of 3 shots for distemper. Would
>it hurt to have a rabies shot in between distemper shots 2 and 3?

The rabies vaccinations should not be given before the ferret is three months
old; after the immune system is sufficiently developed.

Assuming that the initial distemper vaccination were given at 7-8 weeks, and
the second at 10 -11 weeks the third would not be due until about13 -14
weeks. Given that you should wait about 2 - 3 weeks between the canine
distemper and the rabies vaccination, if you gave the rabies vaccination at
13 weeks, the last distemper vaccination would be a little late. Given the
dangers of distemper and the rarity of rabies in ferrets, I'd probably finish
up the distemper series, then go for the rabies vaccination a few weeks
later. I don't believe that the risk of doing it the other way would be very
high, though.

Dick B.