Message Number: YG14221 | New FHL Archives Search
From: aikizenmonkey
Date: 2002-06-26 15:34:00 UTC
Subject: help with behaviour issues needed

I'm not sure if this is really the right group to ask this in, but I
need some help.

My wife and I have a pair of woozles. They get along very well and we
got them as a pair when we adopted them. Originally Pavlov was the
dominate. Sherlock seems to be the more dominate one in some
occasions now.

I'm not sure if it is a dominance issue or if it is due to extra
energy, however some nights Sherlock and Pavlov will wake us up. We
find the two with Pavlov making squeaking noises (which he'll do
sometimes even if he is scratching his own itch) and Sherlock will
have clamped down on the back of Pavlov's neck. We have needed to
scruff Sherlock AND pry his jaw off Pavlov's neck. We usually lock
him in the bathroom for the night so we can get the sleep we need.

Does anyone have ideas, suggestions to stop this behavior, etc?