Message Number: YG14299 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Linda Iroff
Date: 2002-06-28 18:09:00 UTC
Subject: more on treats

I wrote and Caity replied
>> I'd throw out the 8 in 1 treats--they are just junk food for ferrets.
> Sorry, no, I can't possibly agree with such a blanket statement. First,
> we have to remember that treats are just that... treats. I give one
> when a ferret uses the litter pan (how do you think I have them so well
> trained?) or does something else especially good. A couple of small
> treats a day (one piece each) won't hurt a ferret.

It's true a treat or two a day will not hurt, but many people give 5 or 6,
or 10 or 12. And why not use healthy treats if the ferrets enjoy them as
much as the less healthy ones? After all, us humans would be far better off
if we reached for an apple or orange instead of a donut or bag of chips!

And I'm not so sure even quality ferret kibble is the best thing long term
for our ferrets. They contain far more carbohydrates than a natural diet.
Why compound the error with more carbohydrates in the treats? That's why
I've taught my younger girls to eat meat as treats. I'm still trying to
convince the older ones to try, but at least they love their chicken gravy!

Caity, where do you get Brown's chicken jerky?

Linda Iroff
Oberlin OH