Message Number: YG9726 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Robin Sinex
Date: 2002-01-02 11:54:00 UTC
Subject: Worry over bleech exposure

I feel like such a bad ferret mommy -- yesterday, on my day off, I was
cleaning several things around the house with a bleech & water
solution. I remembered a daycare using such a solution for their
cleaning, so figured it would be ok for my household - hope it
is. Anyway, all three ferrets were intensely interested in my bleech &
water bucket, and I had to be constantly removing them from peeking over
the bucket edge. When I thought I was finished, but not quite ready to be
rid of the bleach & water solution, I put it into the bathroom & shut the
door to keep the kids out. Unfortunately, counting noses only came up
with 2 of my 3. Searching around the house, I finally found him -- in the
bathroom with the bleech bucket. I also saw that he'd removed the
cleaning sponge from the bucket, so at the very least he carried a bleechy
sponge in his mouth. Since I removed him from the bathroom, he's been
lethargic. How worried should I be? What action should I take - or was
removal from the bathroom sufficient? Rhodry and the other two have
plenty of food and water, and they've plenty of air circulation . . .

Robin Sinex.
Nevyn, Rhodry, & Brangwyn