Message Number: YG9853 | New FHL Archives Search
From: dr_bruce_williams
Date: 2002-01-06 00:11:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Loss of 3 ferets - bleeding from Rectum

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., jerri carel <ferretmomjc@y...> wrote:

Also, after so many with similar symptoms, they never suggested an
intestine on the currently ill ferret, it sounds like
we should insist that this be done and that what we're looking to
confirm or rule out is the cause of or existence of chronic GI
disease? Should we be trusting that they know what they're looking

It is difficult to say whether they know what they are looking for,
but the aberrant doses of medicants, the lack of biopsy and the very
sketchy autopsy with hesitation to send tissues off - let me say that
it doesn't raise a lot of confidence right about now.

However, it is not too late. There is a key component, however, to
sending off tissues, and that is where to send them. There are a
handful of pathologists in this country like Mike Garner and Drury
Reavill who specialize in exotic animal pathology and have a lot of
experience with ferret tissues. I would insist that tissues go to an
experience and recommended ferret pathologist.

Me, these days I only take a very limited amount of tissue - the very
odd cases and those which will add significantly to the literature.
My time is taken up with ferret research and publishing (actually, I
am inishing up a paper tonight for Exotic DVM magazine which deals
with interpreting pathology reports from inexperienced
pathologists). Many times, especially on the FHL I will hear about
an interesting case and request that the tissues be sent to me.

> I think I almost feel terrible now, like as ferert owners, we
should have required more ferret-related knowledge of ourselves.
This is how I became so involved in ferrets & shelters to start with -
with the sudden loss of my son's 1st ferret to lymphosarcoma, I felt
if we were going to have this special animal in our house, I had an
obligation to learn more about their needs. After a five years and
helping to care for over 450 shelter ferrets & 40 of my own, it does
not seem that I've come anywhere near reaching my initial goal, much
to the dis-service of the animals I've cared for.

I think that you are being a bit hard on yourself here - I'll exempt
myself, as I've had the special training, residency, and a lot of
experience with ferret diseases. But if you spend time on the FHL,
you'll see some fantastic people such as Sukie Crandall, Mike Janke,
and many others too numerous to mention who have phenomenal instincts
when it comes to ferret medicine. I can tell you, it didn't happen
for them overnight - but they went to the right resources, learned
the right stuff, and I would actually put their knowledge of ferrets
up against the majority of vets out there. So you're here now, and
you can learn an awful lot.
With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM