Message Number: YG9871 | New FHL Archives Search
From: sukieferret
Date: 2002-01-06 18:27:00 UTC
Subject: Re: researching past posts/rattail problems

Sure is!

If you want to read a very careful write-up on how to do this just
go to:

(Select all, please, because it did not wrap.) which is an article
by Pam Sessoms on searching the FHL archives. If you go
fromour home page of

it canbe found right in the Files section.

You'll notice that the search box is right on the home page near
the bottom, and that it searches in chunks so if you come up
empty or not with the message that you want then you will have
to select to search the next chunk.

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Steve and Becky McMall"
<mcmall@i...> wrote:
> Is there a way to research past post topics on this list?