Message Number: SG2987 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-01-14 19:06:24 UTC
Subject: RE: Need help...Bandit is going down hill
Message-ID: <5929056.1042571184341.JavaMail.root@scandium>

First, get his blood glucose run again that will tell if he need more meds.

Secondly, Pred and Proglycem can be given together so it is IS possible to start Proglycem while giving the Pred then gradually decrease the Pred while increasing the Proglycem if your vet feels that might help. We've had to do that with one for a different reason, but it sounds like ti could be possibly useful for your little one..

You may want ot time out when food is available -- small meals close enough together in time rather than food always available for this one, (It's something to discuss with your vet.) and play actively with the ferret more often after the vet checks and okays the blood sugar level and okays proposed activities.

Not all ferrets respond well to Proglycem so the vet will want ot monitor some and you can discuss this together.

I noticed that one subject which I haven't read, yet, looks like it involves someone having trouble getting Proglycem. We're having no trouble at all, but if this or the compounding is a question for youor your vet then go to the FHL website
aqnd open the Files section. Then go to the item in there marked "Reference Shelf". You will see that you can get into the list of compounding pharmacists. Go there and you will find a number. Many ship and have 800 numbers. The one we use is having no trouble filling our Proglycem orders; I suspect that pharmacies which don't often use it will be more of a problem for that and that may be why periodically we hear of some not having it while others which medicate more ferrets have it handy during those same times.