Message Number: SG3010 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-01-15 18:09:36 UTC
Subject: Vet request for ferret thyroid disorders info
Message-ID: <24611973.1042661253721.JavaMail.nobody@chromium>

Hey, all, this is Susie Lee of the Pensacola Ferret Rescue in Pensacola,
Florida (phone (850) 475-0780)
Our "main" veterinarian, Dr. XXXXXX,DVM, of XXXXXX Animal Hospital
(nearby to our home and Rescue) has asked me to ask around for any
veterinary medical information, such as what might be "the latest", in the
event his info is outdated, or there have perhaps been new recent
research breakthroughs, etc.,
on Thyroid Disorders and possible treatments for or involving domestic
If anyone has an other veterinary medical site where I might copy or
download the info for him, we'll all be grateful, just point me in the
direction! Or whatever anyone can reliably pass along will be much

Thank You, from Susie Lee-Hurley, chief cook and bottle-washer to 35
ferrets at the "elderlies"-rescue and associate of the 30 others at the
"youngster-ferrets'"-rescue across town.

[Whether or not to leave the vet name and practise in was a hard call on
this. As per the rules mentions of vet names or hospitals in relation to
treatments are to be removed. I decided to remove it so that folks can
speak most freely. The rules can be reviewed in the Files section at
-- Sukie]