Message Number: SG3041 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-01-17 22:46:05 UTC
Subject: Shadow
Message-ID: <9198476.1042850341122.JavaMail.nobody@chromium>

Thank you all for your help and answering my questions so quickly. My
Vet tried everything on Monday her red blood count was back up then
her potasuim level was way low around 2%. We then tried steriods and
she just was getting progressvly worse and I belive in pain. So on
thurdsay we decided to try surgery to what was going on and my vet
said she had cancer of the lymph nodes and he believes it was spread
to the bone marrow and we decided to let her go peacefully then.
Being this is the second ferret I have had in less then a year this has a
happened to I believe as does my vet that there is a bad gene pool that
XXXXX is breeding from and these animals are suffering in the end. If
anyone else has had to go through the same thing please write and let
me know - I want to stop this so no other ferrets and owners don't have
to go through this anymore.
Again thank you

[Moderation note: as per rules the breeder name is removed from a
possibly inflammatory hypothesis. Those who want more details may
contact the poster directly.]