Message Number: SG3076 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Mary
Date: 2003-01-25 12:35:48 UTC
Subject: Alternative for Flagyl
To: ferret health list <>
Message-Id: <>

i have searched the archives re compounding flagyl and technicques for
getting it down a ferret and found little success. my ferret doesn't
like the compounded from pharmacy i tried yesterday though they had
never done it before. if anything she hated it worse than the triple
fish from the vets. the chipping of tablets worked with my male but
my female must not swallow her gravy whole as much and now she is
getting suspicious of her food. For others though you may try this
technique vs. crushing, and use gravy or ferretvite.
she is at a point where she no longer cares for ferretvite. she
will still take cat lax and i don't want to turn her off of that or her
food. we are basically in hospice mode here but while she may not have
much energy she doesn't seem to be in any pain.
she was on amoxi and blood work still shows an infection so since
the liver (huge, diseased with a huge mass in ultrasound, other organs
all looked pretty good) we wanted to add in flagyl because it is
apparently processed by the liver.
at this point i'd be willing to consider an alternative
antiobiotic if anyone has any suggestions to discuss with my vet


The greatnes of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the
way its animals are treated.
mahatma Gandhi