Message Number: SG3104 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-01-29 18:26:20 UTC
Subject: apocrine cyst update
Message-ID: <7823063.1043864780331.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I wrote a week or so ago about my 5 year old having a cyst on his flank. Was just watching it, it didn't bother him at all, but a few days ago - it began to ulcerate. The top of it sunk in and it became bloody. Last week, it was just like a marble under the skin. It went from pea sized with a little scab to a quarter sized ulceration with drainage in about 10 days.

I took him to a new exotic vet that was recommended to me. She said she had an opening and to bring him on in. He hadn't been fasted or anything. I dropped him off at 3:30 and she called at 5pm saying I could come get him. I couldn't believe it! He was awake and frisky, acting very normal. He has about 10 sutures in his flank. The incision is well approximated with no drainage or erythema, it looks fabulous. She used dissolvable sutures, or at least they are the kind that don't have to be taken out.

The best part was that the entire surgery, anesthesia, and office call came to $80! I couldn't believe it! I was expecting way more than that.

So he is doing well. He hasn't bothered his incision at all. His buddy just ignored it too, I thought he might mess with it, but they were curled up in their sleeping bag as usual within a few minutes after I brought him home. Thought I would just let you know. Thanks for all the help.
