Date: 2003-01-30 21:00:14 UTC
Subject: RE: AV Heartblock/Adrenal and meds
Message-ID: <22600883.1043960414121.JavaMail.root@scandium>
Your vets have seem leery of some meds and Oscar's heart. I really think that if they used a cardiology consultant familiar with helping treat Level 3 A/V Heart Node in ferrets (Vetheart is the only one I know of so far where the cardiologists know this stuff; we searched all over for ones who know the topic.) that it would help. I recall you saying that your vets were leery of Diazoxide but with Seven we found that decreasing her Prednisone and providing Diazoxide gave her a lot more quality time. It may be that any risk from at least some of the meds under discussion for the right adrenal might be lower than your vets fear. Certainly, they are worth looking into just in case...