Message Number: SG3153 | New FHL Archives Search
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2003-02-04 01:20:42 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Frequent scratching --> bald spots
Message-ID: <>

The spots are on either side of her neck, and although they aren't
especially large - and obviously are NOT all that noticeable - they most
definitely are hairless, now.

Because of the location (on either side of her neck), the first thing I would
check for is earmites. An infection that heavy should be easy to tell, the
ears would be visibly dirty with a very dark wax, and a person touching her
ears would probably make her shake her head or scratch.

She is very young to have a adrenal problems, and I doubt that's what's going
on, but you can learn about it for future here:

<A HREF="">Ferret Adrenal Disease FAQ</A>

Ringworm or fur mites are other possibilities to check if her ears look fine,
but I strongly expect the latter is the problem. Ear mites would be treated
with daily ear cleaning (I use 50:50 apple cider vinegar to water to clean)
and 2-3 anti-parasite injections at interval.

