Message Number: SG3175 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-02-05 01:17:00 UTC
Subject: diarrhea/lethargy
Message-ID: <18983209.1044407820684.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I have not been in any contact with any ferrets at all since buying my baby=
, Pip. When I go to Petco to buy supplies, I look at the ferrets from about=
3 feet away and get no closer. I am always very careful.
I might add that when I got Harry, I also got another one at the same time,=
same store. I always thought they were littermates, but being MF's, who co=
uld say. She developed kidney stones at 8 months. For 7 months we tried to =
help her overcome them. we changed diet, gave her urine acidifier, did all =
we knew to do. She made many trips to the vet. The last "bout" she had, the=
vet did surgery and removed 8 large sand gravel sized stones from her uret=
hra. She said there were more she could see in her kidneys and ureters, but=
didn't remove those. The next day Beatrice's kidneys shut down and we lost=
her. The vet sent her kidneys to an exotic pathologist who said he had ne=
ver seen kidneys like that in a ferret. He said it looked like she had eate=
n anti-freeze, which we knew she had not. So his prognosis was that it was =
a congenital condition. When they tested the crystals in her urine there we=
re both struvite and calcium crystals. But when she had the surgery the st=
ones were calcium. Harry has not had any kidney problems, but I thought I w=
ould throw that in there. I am not crazy about giving Harry fluids, I have =
had many tough experiences doing so with Beatrice, but here goes....