Date: 2003-02-06 12:40:49 UTC
Subject: Yeast and the C's
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I know of two people whom lost their ferrets to Colostridium. I know
it's unusual... maybe even rare. I also realize that just like Helicobactor,
it can naturally be in the gut. But I also realize that it can run rampant,
or a ferret can be infected by this from poor sanitation, spoiled food, etc.
I was wondering what the symptoms might be for a ferret to have a bad
infection with this organism.
Thank you again for the information regarding Coccidia. It was very
Can a ferret get Cryptosporidia also? I thought I had read that it's
I have read that it can be a mistake for a vet to think a ferret has
"yeast" problems from a stool sample.... and that it's normal to find yeast
in the sample, perhaps even a lot of yeast. I also read it's a common
mistake for some vets to confuse yeast with something such as colostridium,
and now I read also with other microorganisms. I was wondering how do you
confuse a yeast with a bacterium? I kinda thought they'd have very different
shapes. If not, how do you tell the difference between yeast, coccidia,
colostridium, etc?
Wolfy, who I know is just full of questions....
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