Message Number: SG3222 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-02-09 01:40:57 UTC
Subject: RE: little sores on quark
Message-ID: <19074627.1044754857047.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I ceratinly can't rule out the possibility of cutaneous lymphoma from the pictures - we have multiple small red raised nodules. There are other possibilities to, like hemangiomas, althouhg the are only rarely seen in multiple sites.

Quarks thinness is not the key issue in deciding whether to bipsy or not - it is really the competence and confidence of your vet. Yes, this will be fast - a little gas, snip one off, and send it to me to look at.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, DVM

Author wrote:
> For Pigs Biopsy she was given a little number shot and a piece of skin with the sore was cut thinly off. It took about 5 minutes at most...Pigs was about 9 yrs old when this was done and she was in fragile state - she did not have any reaction to the entire procedure and could have cared less. This seemed easier than a routine ear cleaning! Please - I urge you to get the biopsy. Catching anything early if something is there is the best way to go. Again, the biopsy is no big deal at all. Just a big scary word.
> All the best with Quark,
> Di & Eeyore