Date: 2003-02-13 00:23:34 UTC
Subject: RE: Liver disease - need advise, please, vets
Message-ID: <3254885.1045100014137.JavaMail.nobody@strontium>
Dr. Williams, I appreciate the input about Bubbles. I took her to the vet on Friday evening and a needle aspirate showed red blood cells and macrophages. The nontechnical description was *nasty.* Dr. A was also able to palpate a new mass in spite of the large amount of fluid in her abdomen.
Saturday afternoon she was helped to the Bridge. The necropsy revealed normal adrenal glands, with a mass that completely engulfed the vena cava. There was a second mass below the stomach, involving the intestine, that had a *waxy* appearance, she said. The tumors were almost calcified. Quite frankly, I forgot to ask about the fluid. She also had the extensive liver cystadenocarcinomas.
renee :)