Message Number: SG3357 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-02-23 14:05:41 UTC
Subject: RE: Ferret Gasping
Message-ID: <11132632.1046009141873.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Thank you so much everyone!!!!!!! Your help and knowledge has been invaluable!

We had a pretty rough night - We fed Dickens with baby food around 3 am and then 3 hours later he managed to get out of bed and roll on the floor while he was pooping. Poor baby!

His body temperature was low but since then we have keep him in our bed, warm and on fluids. He has been drinking water, but every now and then he fights it. We gave him predsyrup this morning and his antibiotic. Steven is getting Carafate right now as many of you suggested and our vet agreed.

The most worrying part this morning was him peeing blood - we are not sure yet what this means - maybe an infection? or post-op internal bleeding? He still gasps for breath and we think he is in a lot of pain every now and then.

We are hoping this is a treatable stress-induced ulcer. Dickens went for a blood test 2 weeks ago and was depressed for 2 days. We had another ferret who also had this surgery and she was almost fully recovered in 48 hours. Every one is different, I guess. Sadly, we lost 2 baby girl ferrets in the past month, so you can imagine how concerned and depressed we are.

We will keep you posted on how Dickens does.
Thank you so much once again.

Claudia and Steven.