Message Number: SG3431 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jen Phillips
Date: 2003-02-28 04:37:14 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Urgent!! Black Tarry Stool & Bloody
Message-Id: <5260883.1046461463428.JavaMail.nobody@strontium>

I asked here first because I wasn't even sure WHO it was coming
from. Since then I have ruled out 4 of the 5 including the one who was
most likely the one with the problem, but we are not sure if it may have
cleared up on it's own or if it is going to come and go.

Take Care,

At 10:18 PM 2/27/2003, you wrote:
>My suggestion would be that if you ever see blood coming out of your
>ferret, don't wait for an answer from this group. At the very least, call
>your vet. If your vet is not available, find one that is. They can better
>determine whether or not you need to bring your ferret in right away.