Message Number: SG3447 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-02 12:18:32 UTC
Subject: Help for Jasper
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Rick and Judy, thank you as well as I want to thank the other posters that
have posted or emailed me.
Everyone is kind of telling me the same thing, Jasper is smelling Bria
everywhere, and I do mean everywhere as she did have full run of the entire
house. So, yes getting Bria's scent out of here is nearly impossible. I have
washed all of her bedding and tried to clean as many things as possible, yet
I do not feel I will be able to get her scent out of here and I think
everyone is right, it is making Jasper just nuts that he can smell her yet
cannot find her. He spends almost his entire time out of his cage in search
for his beloved Bria Anne. My heart is just breaking for my young man.
A few of you had suggested that I take Jasper outside, well I live in PA and
right now, well, you can't easily do that due to the snow, snow and more
snow. But I did speak with my local pet store, small, and locally owned and
she told me to bring Jasper in for part of the day and let him play in the
store. She said to just bring him on his harness and possibly the scent of
other animals, not just ferret but dogs, cats, etc... will be enough to get
him beyond the point that he is going to starve himself to death. So on
Monday we are going to have a day out, just mommy and jasper. They also gave
me, for free I might add, several bags and tubes of treats and food to
possibly entice his system to want to eat. I had a buffet set up here the
other night that looked and smelled so good, my husband came in and asked
what was for dinner that something smelled really good. I mean, we are
talking chicken, fish, baby food, beef, kibble,... you name it I had it down.
Lucy just ate herself to death, but Jasper would not touch it.
I am considering adopting another ferret, but I think it would have to be one
that Jasper picks out. So, maybe on Monday if he finds one that he seems to
take under his " paw " we may come home with a new one.
Thanks again for everyone's suggestions and well wishes. It is certainly
Sincerely, Tina
Proudly owned by Jasper and Little Lucy and missing Bria at the bridge.