Message Number: SG3495 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-05 08:10:56 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Carafate vs Pepto
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Dear Roger,
Please forgive me. I was wrong and hope I haven't mislead anyone. It was that
Carafate acts as a bandage and Pepto, Amoxi, and Flagyl kill the bacteria.
Another question. For an upset stomach can I put the Pepto in his food or
give it to him in Ferratone and have it still be effective? Or, should the
carafate help with an upset stomach? I can get him to take that. Again,
forgive me. Too tired. So many things going on with this little guy that I'm
feeding and giving meds every four hours. With the carafate, every two. Now
still up after his 1:30am feeding. Next feeding, med and up for me at 5:30am!

Again, thanks! Tired, hope this is right!
Tiffany and Oscar