Message Number: SG3566 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-10 23:53:42 UTC
Subject: RE: mold around the windows harmful ?
Message-ID: <12978733.1047340422820.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I can't answer this for ferrets specifically but can for humans and part of that *might* generalize (or may not). In humans there are individuals who have allergies to some mold spores. There also is a form of black mold which likes that window location here in N.J. (as well as liking areas near sinks and tub, inside toilet tanks, etc.) This type of mold does not tend to produce allergies but it does create a toxin which can cause similar symptoms.

Bleach is a very good way to kill molds and large droppers,syringes, cotton swabs, or cotton balls held with tweezers can be good ways to apply it to those tricky spots. Keep the ferrets in areas away from the bleach till you are sure that it is totally dried. Full strength bleach is quite caustic.

A different concern if it is a wood rotting form of mold -- make sure your walls are sound enough for ferret safety.