Message Number: SG3606 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-12 03:50:53 UTC
Subject: RE: Onion being agressive!
Message-ID: <22601247.1047441053409.JavaMail.root@scandium>

> (my vet did mention something about risks with
> surgery...) please clairify if you can.
> thank you!

There are always some risks.

In the archives you will find tips for reducing such risks like using iso o=
r a similar gas so that the ferret can be brought out from under rapidly if=
that is needed, keeping the ferret warm enough (in safe ways), and so on.

If you look in the archives you also will find assorted people's tips for p=
ost surgical care. Things like not letting ferrets climb afterwards help r=
educe death rates.

If both adrenals are removed or one if atrophied (as happened with one in o=
ur family) don't forget that Pred and Percorten, or Pred and Florinef will =
often be needed.

I'm sure that others will have more info for you. I apologize but I am sho=
rt on time right now, so don't forget those archives, please. Just go to =

Ferret Health List=A0
and select the bold print for the archives to link to them.