rick a kacer
Date: 2003-03-11 23:44:33 UTC
Subject: VetRX Respiratory Remedy
Message-ID: <4141125.1047496148834.JavaMail.nobody@strontium>
It's a shame to hear about poor Wolfie. Judy and I subscribe to
Ferrets Magazine and I don't know if it would benifit Wolfie or not,but
there is a advertisement in there about this VetRX Respiratory
if it could help,it might be worth checking out. The name and address of
the company are as follows;
VetRx Labs, 41710Weld Co.Road 29, P.O.Box407, Pierce, Co.80650
1-970-834-1229 or Toll free
!-800-554-1080 . Perhaps they could give you the name of a dealer in
area. This is all natural remedy,
so I would hope that it is gentle enough,and yet hopefully do Wolfie
good. Good Luck Rick & Judy
[Because respiratory problems can be much worse than they appear
and not taking precautions such as the x-rays advised in earlier posts,
including those by vets, can result in the death of the ferret I think that
this post needs to have this caution attached to get vet care and chest x-
rays FIRST whenever a ferret has a re-occuring, persistent, or severe
cough. That is true even if the cough is mild. Some things just have too
much chance of being dangerous so vet care and testing has to be done
first. If that doesn't work, then discussing options like the one above with
the vet makes sense.
Sorry about putting this note. I was caught between people perhaps not
knowing that even a mild cough may be serious and the mention of
something which might be worth discussing with the vet if serious
problems aren't found. This addition was my compromise solution. --