Date: 2003-03-15 05:03:51 UTC
Subject: Discharge From Swollen Vulva
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I have an approx 7 year old female who had adrenal surg in Oct. The removed
most of the right side. But, left some. She also has cancer. The right
adrenal is active again. Yesterday, she was also diagnosed with insulinoma.
I thought because her poopies were soft is the reason why she had some
residue on her bottom. One the way home from the vet I noticed it was a
discharge why she was laying in my lap. I phoned the vet. The vet said it
was not uncommon because the ferret had right side adrenal problem along with
swollen vulva and to just watch it. I notice is it constant. I am going to
phone the vet in the morning.
Has anyone else experienced this. I do understand my old lady has medical
problems. But, I don't want to miss anything or not catch something that my
shorten anymore of her time with me.
Thank you,