Message Number: SG3679 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-17 17:22:23 UTC
Subject: Old ferret w/ IBD?
Message-ID: <17431569.1047921743279.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hi I am scheduled to see my vet later today. I wanted to see if I could get any educated opinions before I go in. My 8 1/2 year old adrenal girl always has had a weird array of stool - soft, birdseedy,loose episides etc. I had been told before it is okay and just common with adrenal. Her stool last week became more and more soft and turned into diahrrea by last Saturday. She also is lethargic. She will eat when I put the baby food in front of her but she doesn't make any attempt to get up to go eat. She will run around a bit but then she lays down and looks to be hurting. She has very mild teeth grinding after eating and some face pawing after eating as well. Very lethargic.
Her diahrrea is normal color. NOT tarry or ulcer looking.
Her abdomen is not bloated or hard. Her stool is not green, mucousy or slimey.
She is not throwing up.
I have been thinking she has an irritable bowel for a bit now.. At 8 1/2 an intestinal biospy seems risky. I ALSO had the flu 2 weeks wondering if that is what is the problem does she have the flu??? I am bringing Dr. Williams article on IBD with me to my vets. Without a biopsy to be done should I try antibiotics first and if no success should I try pred? She eats mainly chicken baby food. I am wondering if I should also ask for science presciption diet as well and keep her off kibble. If anyone responds through email, kindly email me at for I am at home with my sick girl and not at the address posted here.
Thank you for all your help.
Please put me in the right direction!