Message Number: SG3731 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-22 18:41:08 UTC
Subject: Need help interpreting test results please
Message-ID: <6973074.1048358468493.JavaMail.root@scandium>

These are the results of a CBC done on my 8+ year old female. She is fixed and had her left adrenal gland removed several years ago. She gets 1/2 tsp of FerretVite and 0.2cc of Lixotinic daily; no other medications.

HGB 6.0
HCT 19.7
WBC 3.9
RBC 4.56
PLA 226
MCV 43
MCH 13.2
MCHC 30.5
LYMPH 16% 624(Absolute)
MONO 7% 273(Absolute)
Neutrophils 77%
Bands 0
Eosinophils 0
Basophils 0

We know she is anemic, but unsure what might be causing the anemia. What other tests should be run? How often should a CBC or other tests be done to monitor her? We are at a loss what to do next and would appreciate any suggestions.

Ang & Old-Lady-Ferret Fagin