Message Number: SG3758 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-25 22:44:23 UTC
Subject: RE: Adoption Scare
Message-ID: <1367139.1048632263843.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I think shelter option is always the best. Pet store ferrets can be sick too. To me the difference is a pet store sells the ferret and may not be honest about its health, most shelters do not want to see a ferret resurrender and will be honest about its health. I would however stay away from a shelter that claims all its ferrets healthy...if they can't tell you experiences with illness either they haven't been sheltering long or are lying. I'd be worried about adv since some ferrets will not show any signs of having it. I have four ferrets 2 from pet stores and 2 from rescues have been the best thing I've done. Pet stores claim to care but its a bussiness and $ come first, no one makes $ at ferret shelters.