Message Number: SG3789 | New FHL Archives Search
From: anna walker
Date: 2003-03-28 22:20:02 UTC
Subject: Re: Help!!! Jesse may have heart worms
Message-Id: <>

Sukie, The Vet estamated Jesse to be around 3-4 yrs old. He was not well
taken care of when I got him almost 3 yrs ago. He was left outside and was
feed wal-mart ferret food and was given grahmcrackers and milk he was yellow
and skin and bones when I got him and also he was not fixed yet. The lady
didn't know much about him she got him from another lady so he had to be
from some back yard breeder. He may be going in for adreanal surgery this
year my other Vet in Columbus wants to see him later on. His coat is still
alittle dry but not like it was when I first got him. He wieghs 3lds 9oz so
he has good weight he uses the bathroom fine. Thank you Anna & Jesse