Message Number: SG3825 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-29 22:55:51 UTC
Subject: RE: He likes soap?
Message-ID: <26563151.1048978551423.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Ferrets do tend to like soap. I have no idea what the attraction is, but it's not a good thing for them to eat.

With our first ferret about 15 years ago, we once found a complete bar of soap hidden in one of his spots. It was pocked marked with impressions of his teeth, though I don't recall any of it "missing" short of what may have been licked off. He had this ability to get up on the bathroom counter and more than once I caught him running away with a bar of soap in his mouth. Crazy ferret.

They also do seem to like to lick water off of things (us included) and I don't know why that seems to taste better than what's in their bottle or bowl. If your shower is well rinsed when he gets in there, it's probably the water that's the attraction.

One trick to get a ferret to drink that is not doing so is to place your hand in a bowl of water, just at the surface. Most will think they're licking it off your hand and will drink away.


Author wrote:
> ok. i've been trying to figure out what the thrill for Wish is to go into the shower after im done. is it that he likes to lick the water, or soap?