Message Number: SG3860 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-04-01 07:37:14 UTC
Subject: Bulging eye, what to ask the vet?
Message-ID: <18804809.1049182634598.JavaMail.root@scandium>

My little pesty Zoe has a bulging eye. Her right eye is protruding noticably more than her left. There are no behavioral signs of discomfort, or even that she notices it at all. There is no discharge or redness. No noticeable cloudiness in the eye. No synmptoms whatsoever, outside the fact that the right eye seems to be "bugging out" more than the left.

I will be taking her in to the vet this weekend for her annual rabies/distemper shots... is there anything I can have the vet test for? Or should I just keep an eye on her behavior for signs of distress?

I've had a ferret go blind from cataracts before, who years later died of old age in my ex-husband's care, and the little albino we have now seems to be half-blind (can see major movement, but not much else), so I know eyesight is not really the be-all and end-all of a ferret's happiness... but Zoe is an acrobat, so I'd be afraid of her losing depth-perception. She's the kind who crouches on a chair, wiggling her bottom and judging the distance to the top of the table before leaping through the air... and always landing where she wants to (when I'm not looking!). I'm afraid she'd break her neck one day if she lost an eye! ;-)