Message Number: SG3863 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-04-01 18:19:44 UTC
Subject: RE: Bulging eye, what to ask the vet?
Message-ID: <33084582.1049221184690.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Thanks to the FHL front page photo, glaucoma is the first tthing I thought of. I will definitely ask the vet if his office, or any others in town, can check for it. Don't know if we have a full-blown veterinary opthamologist in Fairbanks, Alaska though...

> any bits of binocular vision giving depth perception
> which she had could be already gone.

Well, she certainly isn't acting any different than usual... As a matter of fact, after noticing her eye last night, I waved the treat dispenser (I mix ferretvite with petroleum jelly, and dispense it from a syringe) around near all of the girls, and only Blitzie (the albino with bad eyesight) had any problem zeroing in on it (she's always been like that), no matter the direction it was coming from. Zoe's acting absolutely 100% normal, so it's hard to say if she's already losing eyesight.

> Does the eye's pupil respond to light?

I tried to check last night, but it's really hard to tell. She's a sable with black eyes... it's almost impossible to see her pupils in the first place. I'll try to scruff her and give the flashlight treatment tonight.

Thanks for the ideas... now, the eternal optimist in me must ask, is there anything *besides* glaucoma known to cause bluging eyes in ferrets? Something CURABLE maybe? (I can always hope)